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(1273~1308) 피에트로 카발리니 Pietro CAVALLINI
5380 |
29 |
(1431? ~ 1509)안드레아 만테냐(Andrea Mantegna)
6678 |
28 |
(1445~1510)보티첼리 - Botticelli
4883 |
27 |
(1452~1519) - Leonardo da Vinci - 레오나르도 다 빈치가 남긴 5점의 초상
3561 |
26 |
(1457-1504) Filippino Lippi
982 |
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(1471∼1528) 뒤러 Durer, Albrecht
4603 |
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(1475~1564) 미켈란젤로 - Michelangelo - 천지창조 [天地創造, Genesis]
21265 |
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(1475~1564)Michelangelo Buonarroti - 미켈란젤로 조각작품
8428 |
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(1480 ~ 1556) Lorenzo Lotto
1111 |
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(1489/94-1534) 코레지오 Correggio
4211 |
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(1495~1576) 티치아노 베첼리오 Titian Vecellio
4267 |
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(1497 ~ 1543) 소 한스 홀바인(Hans Holbein le Jeune)
1489 |
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(1563-1639) 오라치오 젠킬레스키 Orazio Gentileschi [Lot and his Daughters]
3899 |
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(1573-1610) 카라바지오 Caravaggio
5546 |
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(1577~1640) 루벤스 - Peter Paul Rubens - The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus
2474 |