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WONART 2015-04-28 10:17 조회 수 841 댓글 수 5


Anniversary 24 x 10













The City Gal Series #11
36 x 12













The Day Off #15
36 x 12













Amateur 18 x 10













Desde el alma 36 x 36 Available as a textured giclee on canvas













Vero Amore 22 x 11













Vintage Chanel Series #58 24 x 24














This One's A Keeper 13 x 24





Andre Kohn — The precise convergence of three dynamic forces-culture, environment and talent-combined to produce one of the most collected figurative painters on the American art scene today. Raised by an artistically gifted family near the Caspian Sea in southern Russia, Kohn's received a formal art education from the University of Moscow where he studied with members of the last great generation of Russian Impressionists. He was also influenced by such artists as, Fechin, Repin, Serov, Degas, Sargent, and Sorolla. After moving to America in 1993, it took very little time for American art audiences and the media to discover the mature, fresh figurative painting style of the young Russian.

Kohn remains a preeminent leader of Figurative Impressionism and seeks to capture the complexity as well as the simplicity and directness of the human form. “I'm seeking my own unique, poetic interpretation of the moment,” he says. “I'm striving to find the extraordinary in the ordinary.”

댓글 5


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선생님 독특한 그림  감사합니다.


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모델링페이스트란 어떻게하는건지 궁금 합니다.



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정해진 것은 없고 굳이 나이프가 아니더라도 손가락이나 붓을 이용해서 효과를 줄수도 있구요. 독특한 개성을 표현하는 것이니 개개인의 나름의 느낌을 실험 연구 해서 표현하는 재료입니다.


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기발한 방법이네요 하긴 요즘 전시회에 가보니 그림인지 조각 또는 영상인지 구분이 안되는데 - - - - - 

그래도 이건 그림이니까 한번 시도해 보고 싶어집니다.

선생님 고맙습니다.


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